Article Management Tool

Article Management Tool (AMT) allows one to efficiently manage articles, books, lecture notes, etc for scientific writings and compactly store metadata of the bibliography.


Current version of this tool supports:

  • Storing of research related references.
  • Opening entries in an external application.
  • Searching within the references.
  • Previews.
  • Pulling metadata and pdf's from
  • Searching in arxiv and adding articles directly.

This software is work in progress and more features will be added in the future.


The latest version of the tool can be downloaded from my GitHub.

Schottky Tools

Schottky Tools is a Python package that numerically implements Schottky uniformization for Riemann surfaces with the focus on evaluating higher-genus polylogarithm functions.


This package is a work in progress and will be made available publicly on my GitHub page soon.


This package was developed as part of the work on the papers arxiv:2406.10051 and arxiv:2409.08208. See the GitHub page for the list of contributors.


hypray2 is a curved space simulator that allows one to visualize and travel through the hyperbolic and spherical 3-dimensional spaces.

The first version of this software was created already 20 years ago by Niklas Beisert. The new version builds upon the original idea and adds new features and improvements, such as more efficient rendering using parallel processing and a more user-friendly interface. It was developed as an exhibition stand for the public scientific fair "Nacht der Physik 2022" in Zurich.


Although the software is not publicly available as of Oct 2024, the physical and mathematical principles that the program implements as well as photo and video examples of the simulator can be viewed on the website.